The Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has now spread throughout the U.S. and most of the globe. Whether you are staying at home with children, working from home, or are one of the essential workers who leave home every day, there are important things for you to know to protect your physical and your mental health.
Clay Behavioral Health Center offers these resources for you to learn more about COVID-19 and give you tips and skills for coping through this difficult time. In addition, Clay Behavioral offices are open and staff is taking all recommended precautions including regular hand washing and hand sanitizer. We are available 24/7 to assist anyone with mental health needs by calling 904-291-5561.
Help Your Kids Get Through The Pandemic
This video offers ideas on how parents can help their children process COVID-19 by helping their kids to create a COVID-19 time capsule. Michelle Fiallo is a Clinical Manager at Clay Behavioral Health Center.
Coping With Loss and the Pandemic
Concetta Hillman, Clinical Manager for Outpatient Services at Clay Behavioral Health Center, talks about understanding grief and loss and how to cope.
Relax By Making Your Own Zen Garden
Clay Behavioral’s Melanie Kistler shares her creative talents to help reduce stress and anxiety.
Mental Well-Being (
A variety of resources on mental health and well-being during the pandemic.
Coronavirus: Mental Health Coping Strategies (
Is Coronavirus Making You Anxious? (
Advice to help you cope during the pandemic
Sandra Molina, an outpatient therapist at Clay Behavioral, shares suggestions to help your whole family get through this stressful period.
Resources For COVID-19 Information
Clay County Emergency Management
Local updates, special needs registration & more.
Florida Health COVID-19 Updates
Statewide information, alerts & resources.
Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Latest information on the pandemic, guidelines on protective equipment, and more.
World Health Organization
Maps of COVID-19 outbreaks worldwide, travel advice, videos and more.
COVID-19 Lockdown Guide: How to Manage Anxiety and Isolation During Quarantine
Article from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Helping Others Dealing With Mental Health Issues During COVID-19 (
Blog posts on issues related to mental health and Coronavirus.
Coping With Anger During The Pandemic
Stephanie Wagner, an outpatient clinician with Clay Behavioral Health Center, talks about coping with anger and how to anger management strategies.
A Message From The National Council on Coping With Social Distancing
If you’re feeling stressed or nervous during these days of COVID-19, you’re not alone. Uncertainty and the sense of not being safe — not to mention physical distancing, round-the-clock news and empty grocery shelves — are stressful. What you’re feeling is common around the world.
We know you’re looking for ways to take care of yourself and #BeTheDifference. We’ve compiled these tips from the Mental Health First Aid curriculum to help you care for your own and your loved ones’ mental health.If you or someone you care about feels overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression or anxiety, or like you want to harm yourself or others call 911.
You can also contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline at 800-985-5990, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text MHFA to 741741 to talk to a Crisis Text Line counselor.