Posts by bbmasteradmin
A Sunny Disposition: Sunlight and Mental Health
Too much direct sunlight on your skin can be harmful. But moderate exposure to the sun’s rays is vital for physical and mental health. The natural cycles of daylight and darkness, known to science as “the circadian rhythm,” control the release of important mood-altering hormones in the brain. Exposure to sunlight triggers production of…
Read MoreWays to Deal With Insomnia (Naturally)
5 Natural Remedies For Insomnia Insomnia is one of the biggest problems facing people today, with 30% of the population reporting some symptoms according to a National Sleep Foundation survey. Insomnia can increase anxiety and depression, reduce your productivity, and cause serious health problems over time. Getting to sleep can feel impossible for some people,…
Read MoreIt’s Not Just for Kids! 5 Ways Coloring Promotes Wellness in Adults
Coloring will always be a favored hobby among children. It’s a perfect activity for those who are stuck in the house on a rainy day, a great way for a hungry kid to pass the time waiting for their food at a restaurant, and an exceptional way to unwind before bedtime. Coloring allows children to…
Clay County District Schools will partner with Clay Behavioral, and other local mental health agencies and nonprofits to discuss bullying, risky behaviors, social skills, and coping skills with students. This first, daylong event is part of a broader observance of Mental Health Month throughout May. WHEN: Tuesday, May 16 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. WHERE: Wilkinson Junior…
Read MoreHeritage Singers Concert Will Benefit Clay Behavioral Health Center
Don’t miss this beautiful “Choral Kaleidoscope of Color” when The Heritage Singers of Jacksonville come to Moosehaven Auditorium on Friday, May 19. Under the direction of Artistic Director Michael Dell, the concert begins at 7 p.m. and proceeds will benefit Clay Behavioral Health Center. For tickets or information, call 904.434.4625.
Read MoreReverse Raffle Fundraiser Promises Great Food, Fun & Chance To Win $5,000
Reverse Raffle: A Community Event Unlike Any Other Friday, April 7, 2017 • 7 pm Clay Behavioral Health Center and Kids First of Florida cordially invite you to the Second Annual Reverse Raffle, “A Community Event Unlike Any Other,” sponsored by WJW Associates. All proceeds of this unique fundraiser will directly benefit the children, adults and families served by…
Read MoreTame Your Temper with These Anger Management Tips
Don’t Let Your Anger Get Away From You! Anger is a common emotion that most people experience periodically. However, sometimes anger can turn destructive and lead to a variety of unhealthy behaviors. It can also undermine your quality of life and strongly compromise your feelings of well-being. If your anger has been taking a toll…
Read MoreThree Ways to Reduce Anxiety Without Medication
Take Steps to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Naturally According to a 2005 report published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, 18 percent of the adult population in the United States suffers from an anxiety disorder. A 1999 study published in The Journal of Clinical Psychology found that the treatment of anxiety related disorders costs the United States over…
Read MoreSubstance Abuse Disorder and the Shame Game
There’s a sickening pattern playing out in how society reacts to and treats its fellow comrades suffering from substance use disorder. Take basketball star Lamar Odom, for example. Found at a Vegas brothel recently, unconscious, close to death with cocaine in his system and a long track record of drug abuse, Odom has been called…
Read MoreIs Your Medicine Cabinet a Potential Killer?
Teen prescription painkiller abuse is on the rise …. and even the “good” kids are at risk Among teens, prescription drugs are the most commonly used drugs next to marijuana, and almost half of the teens abusing prescription drugs are taking painkillers. Why are so many young people turning to prescription drugs to get high?…
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